
U.S.S. Charles R. Ware (DD-865) was launched 12 April 1945 by Bethlehem
Steel Co., Staten Island, NY, sponsored by Mrs. Arva Zena Ware of Athens,TN
and was commissioned 21 July 1945, Commander H. R. Wier in command.
Lieutenant Charles Rollins Ware, U.S. Navy for who the ship is named
was a naval aviator who, as a pilot of a scout Bomber, gave his life in
Battle of Midway, 4 June 1942. He was awarded the Navy Cross, the nation's
second highest military honor, for his courage and devotion to duty in
actions against enemy forces.
From her home ports at Norfolk, Va., and after December,1950, Newport,
RI, the Ware operated through 1960 on the demanding schedule of the Atlantic
Fleet. Along with many deployments to the Mediterranean and northern Europe,
she carried out the intensive training and overhaul necessary to keep
her ready for any emergency as well as her usual activities.
Her first major cruise, from 1 March to 9 April 1946, was to northern
waters, where she aided in developing techniques for cold weather operations,
crossing the Arctic Circle. Shortly thereafter she carried out the first
of several operations through which she aided in maintaining the readiness
of other forces, serving as target ship for submarines training off New
London, Conn. She was under way on 10 November 1947 for the Mediterranean
and her first tour of duty with the 6th Fleet. After exercising with this
force, and calling at ports of northern Europe, she returned to Norfolk
11 March 1948. The Ware was back in the Med in 1949 on a cruise during
which she patrolled off the Levant Coast for two weeks under the direction
of the United Nations Palestine Truce Commission. Through two cruises
to the Caribbean in the summer of 1949, Charles R.Ware aided in the training
of members of the Naval Reserve, then took part in a large-scale Arctic
operation before preparing for a 1950 tour with the 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean.
Her 1951 tour was highlighted by operations with ships of the Royal
Hellenic Navy. After her 1953 tour, she conducted antisubmarine warfare
exercises with British ships off Northern Ireland, calling then at ports
in Ireland,Germany, Norway, Denmark, and Belgium. Later that year she
took part in exercises with the carrier HMCS Magnificent off Narragansett
Bay. It was back to the Mediterranean again in early 1954, for a tour
of duty which included participation in a North Atlantic Treaty Organization
operation. Her 1955 deployment began with antisubmarine warfare exercises
with the Royal Navy off Northern Ireland and was followed by her 6th Fleet
duty. In summer 1956, she carried midshipmen on a summer training cruise
to Northern Europe. The year 1957 was marked by assignment to escort the
ship carrying King Saud of Saudi Arabia into New York harbor for his state
visit and a European cruise during which she exercised with Spanish destroyers.
That fall she put to sea for North Atlantic Treaty Organization exercises
and on 20 January 1958 she rescued a downed pilot from Essex (CVA-9) while
conducting air operations off the East Coast. Shortly thereafter she cleared
for the Mediterranean once more. During the summer of 1959, Charles R.
Ware took part in the historic Operation "Inland Sea," the first
passage of a naval force through the Saint Lawrence Seaway into the Great
Lakes. She took part in the Naval Review in Lake Saint Louis on 26 June,
which was taken by Queen Elizabeth II of England and President Dwight
D. Eisenhower, and sailed on to call at a number of United States and
Canadian ports.
During her 1960 Mediterranean tour, she carried German naval observers
on exercises in the Ionian Sea. Ware underwent FRAM 1 overhaul at the
New York Naval shipyard from January 1961 through March 1962. During FRAM
1, Ware's anti-submarine capabilities,air detection equipment and crew
living spaces were modernized. After the completion of Fram 1 Ware was
home ported in Mayport, FL. In 1962 Ware joined other U.S. Second Fleet
units in the blockade of Cuba during the "missile crisis". In
1967 the Ware left Mayport on February 21 for Vietnam. Passing through
the Panama Canal, Ware was for the first time in its lifetime in the Pacific
Ocean. The ship was a member of Task Force 77.1 on "Operation Sea
Dragon" to destroy North Vietnamese radar complexes. In nearly twenty
missions, 1080 rounds of ammunition were fired at enemy targets. On five
occasions the enemy returned fire but no hits or casualties were sustained
although shrapnel sprinkled the deck. Ware spent 90 days in the combat
zone. In March of 1968,Ware was deployed to U.S. Middle East Force and
cross the Equator six times. In 1970 Ware sailed for the Mediterranean
for the first time since 1965.
In September of 1972, Ware departed Mayport for another deployment with
the Middle East Force. The cruise would take her around the globe for
the first time in her 28-year history. Enroute to Bahrain the Ware was
on the scene of a collision of two super-tankers in the Gulf of Oman.Ware
assisted in the search, taking aboard 31 survivors on board and providing
medical treatment. Ware returned Mayport, , in April 1973 after completing
a 207 day trip around the world.
[Charles R. Ware was struck from the Navy list on 1 July 1974, and sunk
as a target in the Caribbean on 13 November 1981.]