
Automated Curb-Side Residential Sanitation Collection
- Residential garbage is collected on a weekly basis. If you do not know your collection day please use our interactive Collection Map or call (423) 744-2749.
- The City of Athens garbage tote(s) must be placed curbside no later than 7:00 a.m. on the specified collection day.
- Garbage totes are intended for storing unwanted, non-recyclable kitchen and bathroom garbage intended for disposal.
- All garbage must be placed in tightly secured bags and placed inside the garbage tote.
- Do not overfill the garbage tote or place trash on the ground or on top of the garbage tote.
- The lid to the garbage tote should be able to close completely for proper collection of trash.
- Collection crews will not pick up spills or litter resulting from unbagged garbage, overfilled garbage totes, and / or scavenging.
- For your safety, never approach the collection equipment while it is being operated.
- The arrows on the lid and front of the garbage tote should point towards the street.
- Garbage totes must be at least 3 feet from any obstruction. Obstructions include, but are not limited to the following: mailboxes, motor vehicles, utility poles and brush / junk piles.
- If you have questions regarding the placement of your garbage tote please call (423) 744-2749.
- If you are unable to place the garbage tote curb-side due to a physical limitation please call (423) 744-2749 for more information.
- Please remove the garbage tote from the curb-side after it has been collected.
If your City of Athens garbage tote was not emptied on your regular pick-up day, please call (423) 744-2749. Please note that the City of Athens has until the end of the pick-up day to empty your City of Athens garbage tote. Please wait until the following day to call and report the missed pick-up. Reports made more than 48 hours after the miss may not be processed until your next pick-up day.
- The City of Athens will ONLY pick up garbage totes labeled with the City of Athens seal.
- The City of Athens garbage totes have serial numbers and are assigned to the address of the residence and not to a person.
DO NOT remove the garbage tote from the assigned address. Please note that City of Athens garbage totes are City property. - If a City of Athens garbage tote is not at your new residence please call (423) 744-2749 to have one delivered.
- If a garbage tote or lid is damaged during the collection process please call (423) 744-2749 for it to be repaired or replaced.
- You are automatically billed $9.50 by Athens Utility Board on your monthly bill for sanitation services.
- If you need an additional garbage tote please call (423) 744-2749 for more information and pricing.