Leaf Season
Leaf collection has begun. Crews have started in Zone 6. Once done, they will move to zones 5, 4, 3, and so on. The web map below displays the zones, streets, and information about the zones covered this week and next week. You can search for your address to find what zone you are in. You can also zoom out to see the order of the routes this year. If the web map does not seem to be updating make sure to 'Refresh' your web page by either hitting the Refresh Icon or Press 'F5' on your keyboard.
If you are on a phone you may have a better experience viewing the map directly.
If you would like your leaves collected, please rake them 3 to 5 feet from the edge of the road and 3 to 5 feet away from any obstacles (mailboxes, trees, fences, poles, yard decorations and vehicles). Leaf piles too close to obstructions will not be picked up by leaf crews because doing so could potentially damage the obstruction in question or the equipment.
Do not place any leaves in the road, in ditches or on sidewalks. In areas where there are sidewalks leaves should be placed behind the sidewalk and crews will collect them from there.
Please do not rake leaves into the roadways. It causes driving to be hazardous by narrowing the width of travel lanes and makes travel lanes slicker during rain events. This practice also causes clogging in storm drains and can lead to increased flooding. Please refrain from this activity.
Leaf crews will be working in specified zones throughout the city. Once a zone is completed the crews will move to the next zone in sequential order. Once crews complete all zones they will start back at the first zone and go through all zones a second time. We will not pick up leaves in an on-call fashion.
As an alternative you may bag your leaves and place them 3 to 5 feet from the edge of pavement, adhering to the other guidelines previously set forth and the Public Works Department will collect them on the regular Brush / Junk route.
Leaf Routes
In 2018 Public Works implemented a new system for visiting leaf collection zones. Instead of starting in Zone 1 every year and working through Zone 12, the starting zone and order will change in four year cycles. In 2018, the first year of the cycle, crews picked up leaves in the usual pattern, starting in Zone 1 and working counter-clockwise to Zone 12. In 2019, the second year of the cycle, crews started in Zone 12 and worked clockwise to Zone 1. In 2020, the third year of the cycle, crews will begin in Zone 6 and work clockwise (Zones 6 through 1 then 12 through 7). In 2021, the final year of the cycle, crews will begin in Zone 7 and work counter-clockwise (Zones 7 through 12 and 1 through 6). In 2022 the cycle will start again. Please see the table below for a visual representation of this change:

- When will leaf crews be in my area? We do not publish specific routes within each zone. However, residents are encouraged to use this web map to see where leaf crews are currently and what zone they will be in next. This map will be updated regularly as crews complete zones and larger street sections.
- Why do you not publish specific routes within each zone? Timing is difficult to predict mainly due to weather conditions and the volume of leaves. Creating zones for pickup ensures we can provide residents a general time frame they can plan their schedule around.
- What will happen if my leaves have not fallen? A good rule of thumb is to rake leaves to the curb as soon as they fall. We realize that is not possible in every case. Please rake them to the curb as soon as possible. This is one of the reasons crews make multiple rounds through zones. Once the leaf crews go around the city two full times, we will advertise the third run and give you final notice to have them roadside before leaf season ends.
- Why are crews not picking up my leaves at the same time they have in years past? This year we will be utilizing two newer style leaf machines, so our speed through a zone will be subject to change; however, residents should experience faster and more efficient service than in years past.
- How long will leaf vacuum season last? Leaf vacuum season typically ends after the first week in February, depending on weather conditions. To ensure that your leaves get picked up, please have them roadside as early as possible.
- What if my street is in two different zones? In this case your leaves will be picked up with the zone your side of the street falls in. For instance, if your address is Matlock Avenue and you live on the Ridgeway's side your leaves will be picked up with Zone 9. If you live on the Housley Addition side your leaves will be picked up with Zone 10.
If you have questions, please call Public Works at (423) 744-2700 -- Ext. 1 or email.