Daddy Daughter Dance

The 2021 Annual Daddy Daughter Dance will not be held in person due to the COVID pandemic. This decision was made based upon the latest information and guidelines from the state of Tennessee and from the CDC. During the dance week of February 7th through 13th, the department is encouraging daddies and daughters to spend quality time together and to post on Facebook photographs taken at and about previous dances. All photographs posted with #AthensTNDDD will be entered into a contest for prizes, including free 2022 dance tickets and other great items. During dance week, the department will be posting, on the city of Athens official Facebook site, details about the photography contest and date ideas for dads and daughters. If you have any questions, please call us at (423)744-2700 EXT 3 or email us at Thank you so much for your continued support for such a special event for daddys and daughters in our community.