A smoke detector cannot protect you if it does not work. Never borrow the battery to use somewhere else. Test your detectors monthly and replace the batteries every time the time changes. Vacuum cleaners work well to clean detectors without removing the cover. Never paint any part of the detector. Detectors should be replaced after 10 years old
Fire Prevention

The Fire Prevention Team enforces all the state and local codes involving fire safety and prevention, reviews all plans for construction of all commercial dwellings, annual inspection of public facilities, inspection of new underground and above ground tanks and monitors any public event involving fireworks.
The Athens Fire Department, in an effort to better educate the public about fire safety, will present fire safety programs to any group wishing to better their knowledge. These programs are available to schools, industries, and civic groups.
The Fire Prevention Team will also conduct home safety and fireplace inspections. These inspections are free of charge and available to any resident in the City of Athens.
Smoke detectors are also an important part of the Fire Prevention Team. The Athens Fire Department will inspect and assist any resident with their detectors.
To schedule a fire safety program or an inspection, call the Fire Prevention Team at (423) 744-2762.